Its vitally important that you understand how our No Out of Pocket Fee program works. We do charge fees and costs for our services. We charge our customarily hourly rates which are recited in all of our fee agreements. However, we do not look to you to pay these fees as incurred. We solely look to the settlements that we are able to obtain from defendants on your behalf, to pay both you and us.

How Much Is This Going to Cost Me?
Under the law, the Defendants that are reporting incorrect negative information about you are responsible for our fees and costs in any successful action. Most of cases settle. We look solely to the settlements that we obtain on your behalf, for payment of our fees and costs. So long as you cooperate with us, in good faith, we will not look to you to pay our fees and costs. We also collect our fees and costs from settlements that we obtain from Debt Collector Defendants that harass you in connection with collecting debts.
Objectives of Our Lawsuits for You
The objective of our Credit Repair lawsuit is to fix your credit, provide you with damages and an attorney at no out of pocket cost to you. At the beginning of your case, an attorney will review your matter and give you an assessment of how much money and what relief we can get for you from your lawsuit. If we agree on these objectives, we will file your lawsuit.
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Taxes You May be Liable for on Your Distribution
Not a fun topic, but here is what you need to know. Many times a credit reporting agency or a bank that we sue will issue two (2…yep 2) 1099 forms for the same money. They send one to us and one to you. Because we pay tax on that money, you probably don’t need to. But you will need to report that 1099 on your tax return and state the amount of money that you received from us. Our best information is that you only need to pay tax on the money that you receive from our law firm in your case. To be clear, we do not practice tax law. This is our best information that we received from the National Consumer Law Center as of February 2021. This is a Consumer think tank that supports Consumer Rights attorneys such as our firm. This is their position on how to handle these 1099 forms that you may receive.