Fraudulent Charges on your credit card statement?

You only have 60 days to dispute it.

Lately, we have seen a lot of people who have had their credit card information stolen.  Fraudulent charges are popping up like a movie theatre popcorn machine.  Funny, right?  Not to the people in Arizona who have been victimized.  Worse yet, its only a matter of time before you become a victim of credit card fraud.

How to Handle Credit Card Fraud in Arizona.

While credit card fraud is a form of identity theft, you need to handle it differently than you would with identity theft on  your credit report.  Follow these steps and keep reading for tricks and traps to avoid at the bottom of this page.

Step 1.

Call the bank and report the fraudulent charges to them immediately.  Then be sure to follow up with the bank in writing. The law requires you to put your dispute in writing.  While most banks prefer that you call them so they can stop further activity on the credit card, the bank is not liable to you if you fail to send a written notice.  You only have 60 days from the date that you should have received  your credit card statement that contains the fraudulent charge to dispute it.  If you blow this deadline, your only remedy is to pursue it with the merchant.  Don’t miss this deadline because merchants are routinely much more difficult with which to resolve these disputes. 

Step 2.

Be sure to get a written acknowledgment of your dispute from the bank.  They can send it to you via email or by letter.  Whatever you do, be sure that you save a copy of this acknowledgment because in some cases, it may be your only written proof that you timely made your dispute.  Do not wait longer than 2 weeks to get this written acknowledgement.  If you don’t get it, call the bank and have them email it to you at once.

Step 3.

Keep an eye out for the bank’s decision.  Be sure to wait no longer than 60 days for it.  They have this amount of time to check with the merchant and get its side of the story.  If you don’t get your decision in this time, call the bank and find out where the decision is.  Many times, they will tell you that they sent you a decision when in fact, they did not.

Step 4.

Be sure to get a written acknowledgment of your dispute from the bank.  They can send it to you via email or by letter.  Whatever you do, be sure that you save a copy of this acknowledgment because in some cases, it may be your only written proof that you timely made your dispute.  Do not wait longer than 2 weeks to get this written acknowledgement.  If you don’t get it, call the bank and have them email it to you at once.

Tricks and Traps to avoid when disputing fraudulent credit card charges.

Call us if you have Fraudulent Charges on your Credit Card Account

Call us at the Arizona Credit Law Group at (480) 907-6088 for a free, no obligation consultation.  You can also email us at Ga**@cr***.com for more information.