
We give you a real fresh financial start by fixing your credit report.

Ask just about any bankruptcy attorney and they will promise you a “fresh financial start” with bankruptcy. Unfortunately, that is just not true. Without a clean and accurate credit report, you are chained to the starting line after the race has begun.

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    Arizona Bankruptcy Lawyer
    Bankruptcy Alone Will Not Give You A Fresh Financial Start

    Bankruptcy Alone will not give you a Fresh Financial Start

    The Arizona Credit Law Group has fixed that. We give you a real fresh financial start by fixing your credit report as well, at no additional charge to you. We have been fixing credit reports since 2007 damaged by identity theft, creditor negligence, credit bureau screw ups and debt collector malfeasance. There are a lot of damaged credit reports floating around. Chances are, yours is damaged too. If you have ever filed for bankruptcy, your chances are even higher to have inaccurate information on it that is holding your credit score down.

    Why Bankruptcy Attorneys generally cannot give you a fresh financial start


    Well, unlike us, they are simply Bankruptcy attorneys. The law that they know and understand is mostly contained in the bankruptcy rules. We honor and respect our bankruptcy brethren and sisters, but they are generally fixated on the law; we are fixated on you.

    We offer Bankruptcy and Debt Settlement Solutions along with Credit Repair.

    We understand the Bankruptcy Code. We also understand the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and the Truth in Lending Act. Yep, it’s a lot of statutory law, but in order to give you a complete understanding of your rights as a consumer, you need to know how these laws impact your decision as to whether to file for bankruptcy or go for debt settlement.

    Call us or email us today to get started

    (480) 907-6088

    How our Bankruptcy/Debt Settlement Process works

    During your free, no obligation consultation with us, we will discuss the pros and cons of bankruptcy along with the pros and cons of debt settlement. This way, you will be able to make an informed decision as to which path to choose. No matter which way you decide, we will monitor your credit reports to be certain that your creditors are reporting current and accurate information. Without a clean credit report, your ability to rebuild your credit will be far slower and harder than it needs to be.

    We will look for errors and mistakes on your credit reports every few months. When something comes to our attention, we will notify you and seek your permission to get your credit report fixed at no out of pocket charge to you. We collect our fees and costs from the defendants that we sue.

    How Our Bankruptcy And Debt Settlement Process Work

    We offer Bankruptcy and Debt Settlement Solutions along with Credit Repair.

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 7 bankruptcy is for folks who are not working (or earn less than their state’s median income) and don’t have assets to protect. It relieves you of all of your debts and usually takes 3-6 months to complete. There is a lot of paperwork involved, but don’t worry about it; that’s why you hire us. We will help you through it. You can try to save a home through a Chapter 7, but its easier to do that in a Chapter 13.

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is for people with regular sources of income. In a Chapter 13, you propose a plan to repay your creditors on a reduced basis and a reduced interest rate. If the creditors agree and the court agrees, you have a new contract with your creditors so long as you make your monthly payments to fund the plan. Plans typically run from 3 to 5 years. If you owe back payments on your home, you can add these to your repayment plan.

    Debt Settlement, unlike bankruptcy, does not appear on your credit report. It’s a private agreement between you and your creditors. Many creditors understand that tough economic times sometimes befall people, especially these days and are happy to get some money instead of nothing in a bankruptcy.

    So which path is best for you
    Don’t know? Lets talk and find out.

    Call us today at the Arizona Credit Law Group at (480) 907-6088 for a free, no obligation consultation. You can also email us at in**@az***.com. We happy to discuss your individual situation and give you our advice on which path would work best for you. It all starts with you making that decision to contact us. We are here for you.

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      AZ Credit Law Group PLLC
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      (480) 907-6088